Books Containing Letters

Letter writing is a cultural activity and its conventions are not always obvious to the language learner. The Gofrette books contain fun, informal letters.

The Gofrette books are a whimsical yet familiar world where animals sometimes have humans as pets.
The Gofrette books are a whimsical yet familiar world where animals sometimes have humans as pets.
Here is a sneak peek inside the book. It's a list of pool rules. J'adore numéro 4! A fun example of the language used to write rules.
Here is a sneak peek inside the book. It’s a list of pool rules. J’adore numéro 4! A fun example of the language used to write rules.
Adorable letters go back and forth between Gofrette and his cousin. Notice how Garbo signs off.
Adorable letters go back and forth between Gofrette and his cousin. Notice how Garbo signs off, “Avec mes puces les plus sincères.”
A great read aloud featuring the charming meerkat, Sunny. I will be taking a closer look at the features of informal letter writing by re-reading the postcards with my students.
A great read aloud featuring the charming meerkat, Sunny. I will be taking a closer look at the features of informal letter writing by re-reading the postcards with my students.

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I am a Late French Immersion teacher but have taught a variety of grades from K-7 over the past 2+ decades. I have many interests: reading (mysteries, mostly), gardening, cats, dogs and much more. Humour, stories and crafts are also high on the list. Not quite sure how to put myself in a nutshell. (A slightly nutty endeavour, non?)

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